
Sunday 25 August 2024

1 Samuel 21:8-15 - David feigned insanity


David had no weapons with him, so he sks the priest if he has a sword or spear available. David’s lack of a weapon is at odds with his tale about being on a mission for the king. One lie usually leads to another, and so it does here. So David says he was sent on this mission with such urgency that he hadn’t brought a weapon. Ahimelek replies that the only sword around is Goliath’s sword, the one David took off Goliath when he killed him. David is happy to take that sword.


Psalm 34 was written about this time. David fled from Saul and went to Achish, king of Gath. David’s renown seems to have been widespread, for the servants of Achish recognised him as David, and knew of the refrain about him killing tens of thousands. On hearing this David feigned insanity. He feared that they would try to kill him. Even warriors can have fear in their hearts. David acted like a madman. Achish didn’t want anything to do with David, saying that he had enough madmen of his own to deal with. David’s act was clearly effective.

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