
Thursday 1 August 2024

1 Samuel 17:25-31 - Can't I even speak?


The Israelites were afraid, but the king had also offered a great reward for anyone who would kill Goliath. Clearly Saul did not consider himself up to the task. Saul would also give his daughter in marriage to the man, and the man’s family would be exempt from taxes. David wanted to be clear on what the reward was. He also had a different take on Goliath, seeing him as an uncircumcised man who was defying the armies of the living God. David saw that the key feature of Israel was that God had chosen them. We need to see ourselves as chosen by God. This is not to make us proud, but to recognise that our identity is in Christ.


David’s brothers had a different attitude. They were offended by David. This resentment may have gone back to the time that Samuel rejected all of them in favour of David. Eliab accused David of neglecting the sheep. Of course, David had not neglected the sheep, and had come up to the battle lines at the instigation of their father. Eliab accused David of being conceited and wicked. There was absolutely no basis for these accusations. David turned away from his brothers, and discussed the matter with other men in the army, and Saul heard about it and summoned David.

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