
Wednesday 28 August 2024

1 Corinthians 12:1,2 - Now about the gifts of the Spirit


We now come to three chapters dealing with spiritual gifts and their use within the church. The emphasis is on two aspects: (i) everything is to be Christ centred; (ii) everything Is to be for the building up of others. What they are not about is self aggrandisement, It appears that Paul is writing in response to questions from the church itself. Paul wants them to be informed, to be aware.


“When you were pagans”. Prior to becoming disciples of Jesus Christ, the Christians in Corinth had been pagans, and their lives would have involved much pagan worship. Idol worship was just a normal part of everyday life. Paul pointed out that these idols could not speak. There are several passages in the Old Testament that mick idols for their inability to do anything. Here they are contrasted with the God who has spoken. A key element of the gospel is that God has revealed himself, H has spoken.

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