
Sunday 18 August 2024

1 Samuel 19:19-24 - Saul also prophesied


Somehow or other Saul found out that David was in Naioth, so he sent men to capture him. We now get a supernatural intervention. There was a group of prophets with Samuel, prophesying. The Spirit of God then came on Saul’s men, and they too started to prophesy. It seems as if they were no longer able to fulfil their Saul-given task. There is also the question of what they were prophesying. It is quite likely that the prophesying consisted of declaring the praises of God.


Saul learnt of what had happened, and his response was to send more men. But the same thing happened to them and they ended up prophesying. Saul is completely blind to reality. He knows that God has rejected him, he knows that David brings relief to his torment, he knows that David has defeated many enemies, and now he sees God intervening against his plans. Yet he still stubbornly carries on with his futile plans.


In response Saul decides to go himself. At the beginning Saul was looking for donkeys, now he is looking for Samuel and David. So he went off to where they were. On the way the Spirit came upon him, and he started prophesying, even stripping off his garments. Now back in the early days Saul had experienced this thing (1 Sam 10:10), and the phrase “Is Saul also among the prophets?” is repeated.

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