
Monday 26 August 2024

1 Corinthians 11:28-31 - Everyone ought to examine themselves


So we should treat the bread and wine with proper respect. We should examine ourselves before taking the bread and wine. We should repent of anything we need to repent of, and change any wrong attitudes that we may have. 

“Discerning the body of Christ” is a phrase that is sometimes used by those proclaiming some dodgy teaching. So what does it mean? It could refer to the church, i.e. properly recognising that all believers, regardless of worldly status (or lack of), are fully members of Christ’s body, the church. Or it could mean properly appreciating what the cross was all about.


Failure to properly discern the body is a very serious matter. Paul states here that failure to do this was the reason why many were sick, and some had even died! Sometimes sickness is the direct result of sin. This does not mean that all sickness is a direct result of sin, but sometimes it is. In fact, Paul sees it as the result of judgement from God. We need to have a Biblically balanced view on this matter. There are some, but not many, who see all sickness as a direct result of sin. However, the primary imbalance in the church today is never seeing sickness as possibly being a direct result of sin.

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