
Wednesday 14 August 2024

1 Corinthians 11:1,2 - Follow my example


The section headings in your Bible probably indicate this verse should go with the previous section, at least NIV and ESV do this. Paul is urging the Corinthians to “follow my example as I follow Christ”. The Corinthians were in danger of seeing the gospel as all about them. Now the gospel does bring immeasurable benefits to the individual believer, but the basic call from Jesus is “follow me”. Our focus needs to be on following Christ.


Chapters 11 to 14 deal mostly with public worship, though as always with Paul, other deep and important teachings are brought in along the way. Perhaps most importantly the section on love.Paul begins by praising the Corithians for two things (i) for remembering Paul; and (ii) for “holding to the traditions”. The “traditions” are probably the ways of worshipping and other aspects of church life that Paul had taught them. However, it will soon become apparent that they did not hold to everything, and needed further guidance in a number of areas.

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