
Saturday 24 August 2024

1 Corinthians 11:24,25 - This is my body


First of all He gave thanks for the bread. This is no incidental, but a crucial aspect of the Lord’s Supper. We are to receive it with thankfulness towards God. There is no place at all for exalting oneself. “This is my body, which is for you”. See the brief discussion on transubstantiation etc in 11:20. Much more involved descriptions can be found elsewhere! “Remembrance” is not just a matter of recalling what happened, but feeding on the significance of it all.


After this Jesus took the cup and said “This cup is the new covenant in my blood”. In the Old Testament there is an awful lot of blood in the sacrifices. Jesus shed His blood for our forgiveness. Remember also that in the Law it was strictly forbidden to eat the blood of animals, for “the life was in the blood” (e.g. Lev 17:11). So the words and instructions of Jesus must have been quite a shock to the disciples. When we take the wine we are to focus on the significance of Jesus shedding His blood for us.

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