
Friday 30 August 2024

1 Corinthians 12:5-7 - The Spirit is given for the common good


The emphasis continues to be on the Lord as the source and focus of the gifts of the Spirit, in all their varied forms. The gifts differ, but they come from the same Holy Spirit. There are different ministries, but all designed to serve the same Lord. The purpose of all gifts and ministries is to serve the purposes of the same Lord.


Gifts are given to a person not to exalt that person, but so that God's purposes are advanced, and that others are helped. Our natural tendency is to be self-focused, God's purpose is to be God focused, and other people focused. This is shown by Christ's statement on the two greatest commandments. The first is to love God with all that we have, and the second is to love our neighbour as ourself.

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