
Tuesday 13 August 2024

1 Corinthians 10:27-33 - Do it all for the glory of the Lord


Likewise, if you are eating at the house of an unbeliever you have no idea where the food has come from.  Again, what should not worry about it, but eat the food gladly. However, if the host then says that the food was offered to an idol, then our actions should change. In that case the believer should not eat the food. This is both for your own sake, and the sake of the host.


If the believer does eat the food that has been declared as having been offered to idols, then the conscience of the unbeliever may be affected. How so? The unbeliever may then have a lower opinion of the believer, thinking he is not being true to his professed faith. Unbelievers may mock or deride us for our values, but they will also condemn us if we do not act consistently.


Paul now sums up the argument, and the key thing is one of our basic driving force. Are we doing things for ourselves or our ego, or for the glory of God. Doing things for the glory of God includes looking after other believers. So we should ensure that as far as possible we do not cause anyone else to stumble. We should think of others. We are to seek the good of others,”so that many may be saved”.

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