
Monday 12 August 2024

1 Corinthians 10:24-26 - No one should seek their own good


We now get the attitude that we should have, “no one should seek their own good, but the good of others”. Rebellious man thinks only of himself; he may put a veneer of respectability on this by adding “as long as it doesn’t harm others”. However, all that we do affects others in some way. This applies most obviously in the matters of sexual morality and gender identity. Most of the arguments for “sexual freedom” and “gender ideology” focus mostly or only on the person directly involved.


However, the context here is that of food offered to idols. There were two contexts in which this could occur. One which was dealt with earlier in this chapter, is that where there is some sort of ceremony or ritual related to an idol. This was likely to occur in relation to trade guilds. The Christian should have nothing to do with such rituals. The second context, and the one addressed now, is that of food sold in the marketplace. Such food may or may not have been offered to idols. Paul’s instruction here is not to be too fastidious. I.e. there is no need to carry out an investigation to determine the origin of the food! Ecc 7:16 does say “do not be overrighteous”. Everything is the Lord’s so the starting point is that one can eat the food with gratitude towards the Lord.

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