
Wednesday 21 August 2024

1 Samuel 20:24-33 - You son of a perverse woman!


So David hid in the field, and the feast went ahead. Abner was sat next to Saul. Saul noticed David’s absence, but kept quiet about it for the first day, thinking there was an innocent reason for it, namely David being ceremonially unclean. However, when David was absent on the second day Saul inquired about the matter, asking Jonathan. For he knew that Jonathan was close to David. He refers to David as “the son of Jesse”, not wanting to use his name.


Jonathan gave Saul the agreed tale of David returning to Bethlehem. On hearing this Saul’s anger flared up, and his anger is directed at Jonathan because of Jonathan’s friendship with David. He then curses Jonathan, and his mother (Saul’s wife). Finally he tells Jonathan to  send men to capture and kill David. In response, Jonathan tells his father that there is no good reason to put David to death. In response Saul reverts to his old speat trick. He still hasn’t perfected this and needs to put some practice in!

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