
Friday 16 August 2024

1 Samuel 19:8-13 - Once more war broke out


David could not spend all his time playing the lyre for Saul. War broke out again with the Philistines, and David went out to fight them. As always, he was successful and the Philistines fled. David went back to playing the lyre after the fighting. At about the same time “an evil spirit from the Lord came on Saul”. What the writer is saying is that this was all part of God’s plan. Saul tried his old spear trick, but David eluded it. Having had much experience of this, David wasted no time and escaped.


Saul sent his men to hunt down David and kill him. However, Saul’s family were not exactly onside. Jonathan was definitely on David’s side, and so was Michal, his wife. Michal warned David to flee from their house, and let him down through the window. The house was possibly built into the wall of the city. Michal also took an idol and placed it in the bed, so that it looked as though David was there. It must have been a sizable idol. It also raises the question of why Michal had an idol. Idol worship seems to have been endemic in Israel.

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