
Thursday 8 August 2024

1 Samuel 18:5-9 - David his tens of thousands


Saul sent David on various missions, and whatever the mission, David succeeded. At this stage Saul is still recognising David’s prowess and gives him a high rank in the army. This pleased all the troops and officers. However, this situation was about to change. When David returned home after killing the Philistine, the women came out singing and dancing with tambourines and lyres. Their song declared that Saul had slain his thousands, and David his tens of thousands. 


The song that the women sang was not actually demeaning of Saul, but celebrated the victories of both. However, Saul did not take it that way, but was consumed with jealousy. Rulers are often the most insecure people, and the fruit of this insecurity is that they carry out violent and despicable acts. So Saul his kingdom was under threat. Of course, it was not under threat, but had already been taken away from him by the Lord. This taking away was now working out. What Saul should have done was to repent, instead he determined to keep an eye out on David, foolishly believing that this would change things.

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