
Wednesday 7 August 2024

1 Corinthians 10:6-10 - These things occurred as examples


“Once saved always saved” is an unbiblical doctrine, and it is not the same as perfect assurance. I am absolutely assured of my salvation, but that does not mean that I can live my life as I want. It is not the case that we make a confession of faith and that is the end of the matter. Rather it is the beginning of the matter. So Paul sees part of the purpose of the Old Testament “as examples to keep us from setting our hearts on evil things”. 


So Paul warns them not to be idolaters. Idolatry was a constant snare for the Israelites, and the New Testament continues to warn against it. Closely related to idolatry, or a common companion, is sexual immorality.  Paul points to the time when many died after committing adultery with Moabite women (Num 25:1-9). Then grumbling is mentioned, and they were killed by the destroying angel.

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