
Sunday 25 August 2024

1 Corinthians 11:26,27 - You proclaim the Lord's death until He comes


The Lord’s Supper is a supremely important sacrament. It is important for us, for what Jesus did on the cross and resurrection is the whole basis for our life and hope. But it is also a demonstration to the world of what we believe. It is so much more than a ritual. We “proclaim the Lord’s death”. Just think what an odd thing this is, without the resurrection. The gospel is foolishness to those who are perishing, but it is the wisdom of God to those who are being saved. There is also a looking forward to the return of Christ.


Some of the Corinthians were treating their fellow Christians with contempt. In doing so they were sinning against “the body and blood of the Lord”. They are in fact treating the body and blood of Christ with contempt. The focus here seems to be on counting all follow believers as equals. We can also do this if we have the attitude of “I can sin because Christ will forgive me”. Yes we will be forgiven, but we are forgiven in order that we can become ever more Christlike. 

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