
Saturday 31 August 2024

1 Corinthians 12:8,9 - Through the Spirit


We now get a list of various gifts. There are a few lists of gifts and ministries in the Bible, none of them should be viewed as being exhaustive or exclusive. The first two mentioned are wisdom and knowledge. Wisdom is something the church in Corinth seemed to be lacking. Here I would take wisdom as the ability to see through a situation, to get to the heart of the matter and to know how to deal with the matter. Knowledge can be having knowledge of something because the Spirit has revealed it, i.e. It would otherwise not be known. There are some who do not accept this definition.


The next is faith. Now all believers by definition have faith, but this is speaking of a special faith for a particular circumstance. I.e. Giving a person belief that God is going to do something when most people would consider the situation hopeless.  Next are gifts of healing, the plural is interesting here.

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