
Saturday 10 August 2024

1 Corinthians 10:18-20 - Consider the people of Israel


Paul now draws the argument right back to food offered to idols. He starts by stressing the significance of the sacrifices in the Old Testament. All Israel was taking part in the altar, the sacrifices were for all of them, all of them were part of it. Now Paul agrees that the food offered to an idol is nothing at all, and the idol itself is nothing at all. 


However, behind idol worship are demons. The sacrifices offered to idols are actually offered to demons. So to participate in the sacrifices is to participate with demons. Idol worship was a key part of being members of trade guilds. So those who “knew” may have said that it was OK to go along with these practices in order to maintain their status as the idols were nothing at all. In fact, if they went long with the practices they were participating in demon worship. It was actually the “weak” who were the wiser ones.  Today it is de rigueur to say that LGBTQ practices are OK, they are not OK.

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