
Saturday 17 August 2024

1 Samuel 19:14-18 - David went to Samuel


When Saul’s men arrived Michal told them that David was ill. They seem to have listened to this and gone away. In one way this was understandable, as David was an esteemed leader and they had respect for him. On the other hand they had been sent to capture him and then he would be killed. So saying “wait till you feel better, then we can kill you” is a little odd. Maybe these men did not know what Saul’s plan was? Whatever the case, Saul sent them back and made it perfectly clear that he was going to kill David. When they got back to David’s house they find that David has fled, and the lump in the bed was just an idol.


Saul was angry with Michal for deceiving him, though this is just further demonstration of Saul’s stupidity. Mich claimed that David forced her to let him get away, and did so under the threat of death. Meantime, David fled to Samuel and told him all that Saul had done. He expected to get a fair hearing from Samuel. They both then went to Naioth.

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