
Tuesday 13 August 2024

1 Samuel 18:26-30 - Saul became still more afraid of him


David was delighted to hear of the king’s requirement. So David took his men and killed two hundred, rather than just one hundred, Philistines, and brought back their foreskins. Saul then had no choice but to give Michal to David in marriage. So we see two different mindsets at work here. Saul is “kicking against the goads”, trying to frustrate God’s will, always a futile exercise. He thinks his plan will lead to David’s death, and the end of his problems. Even if David had died, God’s rejection of Saul would still stand. David, a man of God, living by faith, saw an opportunity to use his God given skills to defeat the enemy. We can think that a head on confrontation is the way to defeat the enemy. Sometimes it is, but not always. Delighting in the Lord should be a key part of our life.


Saul realised that his ploy had failed, and that the Lord was with David. He realises this on a number of occasions but then seems to forget very quickly! He also saw that Michal loved David. So Saul was more afraid than ever, and was an enemy of David. He should have realised that the situation was hopeless and repented. Meanwhile, the Philistines continued to fight against Israel, and David continued to go out to battle against them and win.

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