
Saturday 8 June 2024

1 Samuel 9:7-13 - Is the seer here?


Saul raises another problem, they don’t have anything to offer to the man of God. Once again it is the servant who provides the answer. The servant has “half a shekel of silver”. The servant is presented as being much more “with it” than Saul, who seems a bit feckless.  We then get an aside that in those days prophets were referred to as “seers”. The text was written at a time when prophet was the commonly used term.


On their way they met some young women who were out to draw water. Going out to draw water was part of the daily routine, and was a task carried out by women. This was still the case in Jesus’ time, see the woman at the well. The timing was suitable, for Samuel was coming to the town today, and they were all ready to offer a sacrifice. One of the features of this whole narrative is that God is in control of all sorts of events. A whole raft of things worked out together leading to Samuel meeting Saul.

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