
Thursday 13 June 2024

1 Samuel 10:3-6 - The Spirit of the Lord will come powerfully upon you


Samuel now gives further events that will happen. When Saul reaches the “great tree of Tabor”. Large trees could act as significant landmarks, like the Sycamore Gap tree near Hadrian’s wall did before it was felled. There Saul would meet three men going up to worship, carrying three young goats, loaves and a skin of wine. They would offer Saul two loaves of bread, and Saul was to accept them. These events taking place could leave Saul in doubt that Samuel knew what he was talking about.


Samuel still has further revelations. At Gibeah he would meet “a procession of prophets”. These prophets would have various musical instruments being played before them, and they would be prophesying. The prophesying here would probably be ecstatic praising of God, rather than what we might think of as prophecy (i.e. in the Isaiah sense). 

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