
Sunday 2 June 2024

1 Samuel 8:1-5 - He appointed his sons as leaders


Going by the end of chapter 7 one might have assumed that, at least for a period, everything was hunky dory. However, that was not the case. There had been some genuine repentance, for they had got rid of their idols, but there had been no true change of heart.

We become aware of the problems starting with Samuel and his family. Samuel was growing old, and he appointed his sons as Israel’s leaders. However, the situation was very similar to that of Eli and his sons. Samuel’s sons were no better than Eli’s. Samuel’s sons, named Joel and Abijah, turned to dishonest gain and perverted justice. In fact, there are a significant number of godly men whose sons did not follow in their father's footsteps. 


The elders of Israel now gathered together to demand that Samuel appoint a king over them. We will soon read that this was an act of rebellion against God, but let’s look at the situation a little more closely. Their actions were in many ways understandable. Samuel was getting old and could not go on forever. His two sons were evil and could not lead Israel. However, their solution was to be like “all the other nations”. They failed to note that all the other nations were evil.

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