
Friday 14 June 2024

1 Samuel 10:7-9 - God changed Saul's heart


On witnessing all these signs (perhaps when the Pharisees asked Jesus for a “sign” they were thinking of something along these lines?)Saul was to “do whatever your hand finds to do, for God is with you”. God does not always give us direct detailed instructions. Sometimes He fills us with His Spirit, our hearts are inclined towards Him, and then we can just get on with it. Samuel is then told to go down to Gilgal and wait there for seven days for Samuel. Samuel would offer burnt offerings and give Saul further instructions. Note that Samuel tells Saul he must wait. This is where all the trouble will start, for Saul will not fulfil this command.


All the signs that Samuel had spoken of came to pass. Also “God changed Saul’s heart”. This seems a little problematic. There were some things that happened, as we will read about in the next verse, but there was no long term change in Saul. He will very soon be rejected as king because of his disobedience.

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