
Friday 14 June 2024

1 Corinthians 3:13-15 - Their work will be shown for what it is


There is a day of judgement, when the worth or otherwise of what we have done will be shown. We should always bear in mind that there is a day of judgement, a day when the truth is made known. We can fool ourselves or others for a time, but we can never fool God. On the final day our work will be tested with fire.


On that final day if our work proves to have been of eternal value we will receive a reward. Otherwise we will suffer loss, though we ourselves will survive, but only just. We need to approach our work for Christ with utmost seriousness, for it is a serious business. Paul says those who build with hay or straw will escape but only as one escaping through the flames. The implication of this is that our lives are meant to be much richer than that (not in the prosperity gospel way!), much more worthwhile.

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