
Sunday 16 June 2024

1 Samuel 10:14-16 - Tell me what Samuel said to you


Saul’s uncle inquired of him as to where he had been. It isn’t clear why Saul’s uncle comes on the scene here. It may be that he was next in line after Kish and Saul for an inheritance. Anyway, Saul tells him that since he couldn’t find the donkeys he had gone to Samuel. Saul’s uncle wants to know what Samuel said to him. Samuel had a good reputation for speaking the word of God, so Saul's uncle wanted to know what was said.


Saul tells him about Samuel’s words regarding the donkeys, but says nothing about the kingship. This latter point is sometimes portrayed as a negative regarding Saul, but an alternative is that Saul is suspicious of his uncle, so is deliberately holding the information back.

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