
Tuesday 11 June 2024

1 Corinthians 3:7,8 - Neither the one who plants nor the one who waters


“So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything ...” Paul is using hyperbole here, but doing so for effect. Our focus always needs to be on God, on Christ. We must never idolise men, nor systems, nor denominations. We sometimes think that if only we follow a certain method then everything will work. This is not true. Knowing Christ and trusting in Him is the essential ingredient.


The Corinthians were setting up different ministers as being in opposition, so you had to choose one or the other. This is like saying God gives an apostle or a prophet or a teacher or an evangelist or a pastor, rather than God gives apostles and prophets and evangelists and teachers and  pastors. They are all working towards the same purpose. Paul and Apollos were not competing, but working together for the same Lord to build the same kingdom. God will reward both of them according to their labour. I.e. how well they do the particular job assigned to them. We need to beware that we do not have the same attitude as the Corinthians. 

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