
Saturday 29 June 2024

1 Samuel 12:22-25 - For the sake of His great name


The Lord was committed to His people. Israel was a people made by the Lord, without the Lord they would not exist at all. Israel needed to deal with her sin, but God would not forget them “for the sake of His great name”. This still holds true today. Israel is a sinful nation, one which has failed to recognise their Messiah. Israel will never find true peace until this happens. However, anyone who thinks God has given up on Israel is badly mistaken.


Samuel, likewise, would not fail to pray for Israel (and neither should we). To do so would be to sin against the Lord. He would also “teach you the way that is good and right”.  For their part, the people needed to “fear the Lord and serve Him faithfully”. They had a choice. If they loved the Lord with all their heart they would be blessed, but if they persisted in doing evil, they, along with their king, would perish.

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