
Tuesday 11 June 2024

1 Samuel 9:24-27 - Samuel talked with Saul


Meat had been set aside for Saul. Further evidence of everything having been put in place. Sometimes people seem to draw a dichotomy between God doing something, and there being a process. This is a ridiculous thing to do and only serves to demonstrate the paucity of their thinking. With what we are reading about here we can look at it in two ways, as indeed the Bible does! On the one hand we have the description of the process: donkeys going awol, Saul setting off to find them and failing to do so, etc. All these things were real. On the other hand we see that God is sovereign, and His purposes were being worked out. The two perspectives are not in opposition. Joseph being sold into slavery is perhaps the prime example of this. The events were real, and the other brothers were responsible for their actions, and Joseph’s honourable behaviour was also important. We should not draw false dichotomies.

The thigh was the portion usually set aside for the priest, and Samuel keeping it for Saul was indicative of the importance of his future position.


They then came down from the high place and Samuel spoke to Saul. This took place on the roof of his house, this would be a cool place for them to meet. We are not actually told at this point what Samuel said to Saul. In the morning Samuel tells Saul to get ready to leave. As he was sending Saul on his way, Samuel tells the servant to go on ahead, for he wants to speak privately to Saul.

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