
Friday 21 June 2024

1 Corinthians 4:10-13 - We are fools for Christ


Paul then goes back to sarcasm mode, contrasting himself (and Apollos) with how the Corinthians seemed to view themselves. Paul was thought of as a fool for Christ, while the Corinthians were seeking to be thought wise by the world. Paul was often weak, but the Corinthians thought of themselves as strong. Paul was dishonoured, but the Corinthians were honoured by the world.


There were times when Paul went hungry and thirsty. Sometimes he lived in rags, he had no permanent home, and was often treated brutally. Being an apostle was no bed of roses.Paul then points out that he works with his own hands. Paul worked as a tentmaker. The travelling speakers and philosophers of the day may have thought themselves above manual work.

Paul has pointed out some of the hardships he has endured, but how does he respond? When he is cursed, he blesses those who curse. When they are persecuted they bless. When slandered they answer kindly. Think how hard it is to do this? How easily our flesh wants to answer back. So far from being kings, the apostles have become the “scum of the earth, the garbage of the world”. If you want the world’s honour then being an apostle is the worst way to go about it.

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