
Monday 24 June 2024

1 Samuel 12:1-3 - Now you have a king as leader


This chapter in the ESV and NIV (and no doubt others) is titled “Samuel’s Farewell Speech” or something similar. Actually Samuel still has quite a role to play before he leaves the scene, not least the anointing of David as king. However, it does mark a key moment, with the era of the judges being superseded by the era of the kings. So Samuel begins his speech by pointing out that he has “listened to everything you said to me and have set a king over you”. Israel will now be a nation with a king.


Samuel states the obvious by reminding them that he is “old and grey”. He also says “my sons are here with you”. I’m not sure why he says that. His sons were a couple of evil godless scoundrels and completely out of the picture. However, Samuel’s main point is to highlight his integrity. He had served as their judge since his youth, during that time he had never been corrupted by power, as demonstrated by his failure to unjustly take anything from them, he had oppressed no one, he had never accepted a bribe. He had always acted honourably.

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