
Saturday 1 June 2024

1 Corinthians 2:3,4 - I came to you in weakness


“I came to you in weakness with great fear and trembling”. This probably does not mean that Paul was full of anxiety, or was fearful of men. That would seem to be inconsistent with what Paul has written elsewhere. It probably does mean that he came aware that he was delivering God’s message, working together with God. Paul was not relying on any strength of his own, but was aware of his weakness. However, this awareness of weakness did not make him timid, for he was also aware of God’s strength.


So Paul did not rely on “wise and persuasive words”, but instead on “a demonstration of the Spirit’s power”. This does not specifically mean miracles or signs and wonders, though these were part of Paul’s ministry. Rather he relied on the Holy Spirit to convict people, to open their hearts and minds to the truth. We are unable to change people’s hearts. If we imagine that it is up to us to change people’s hearts then we will start trying to manipulate people. It is our job to deliver the message in a clear and intelligible manner, it is the Holy Spirit’s job to convict people. 

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