
Thursday 13 June 2024

1 Corinthians 3:11,12 - There is only one foundation, Jesus Christ


The most important thing in building is that we build on the right foundation, and the only good foundation is Christ and His work on the cross. If we build on any other foundation what we build will ultimately collapse. This can (and has and does) happen by building on relieving poverty, on “social justice”, even on evangelism. We should do these things, we should help the poor, we should be concerned for justice, we should evangelise, but these must not become the foundation of what we do, they must come out of a love for Christ.


Building on the right foundation is not enough, one has to pay attention to what one is building with. On the plus side one can use gold, silver, or costly stones. There are various pictures of the temple in both the old and new testament that this draws upon (e.g. Isa 54:11,12; Rev 21:18). Alternatively, one might build with wood, hay or straw. Such things would prove to be worthless, wood could actually be put in the positive category. The church can sometimes get involved in things which superficially look attractive, but ultimately prove to be worthless.

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