
Sunday 9 June 2024

1 Corinthians 3:3,4 - You are still worldly


“You are still worldly” (NIV), or “For you are still of the flesh” (ESV). NIV omits “for”. Their wrong attitudes are symptoms of them still living out of their human nature, according to the ways of the world, rather than living according to the Spirit, according to the ways of Christ. The jealousy and strife that was all too prevalent amongst them showed that this was the case.  The kind of things listed in Gal 5:19-21 were common among them, showing that they were living out of the flesh rather than the Spirit. They were acting “like mere humans” (NIV). The gospel calls us to a higher and better way of life, it calls us to live a Christlike life.


“I follow Paul”, “I follow Apollos” were symptoms of living out of the flesh. Why tie yourself to a man? We are called to follow Jesus. When Jesus called his disciples he said “Follow Me!”. Now having proper respect for leaders is important and right and proper. However, Jesus must always be above all. Likewise, there can be a wrong sort of devotion to a particular denomination or grouping.

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