
Sunday 30 June 2024

1 Corinthians 6:1-3 - You will judge angels


Paul now raises another issue that illustrates how far the Corinthians have to go. In effect he is puncturing their inflated egos, their boasting. They were taking disputes before civil courts to be decided. These disputes were civil not criminal matters. Paul is asking why could they not get these matters sorted out themselves? Especially as they were so clever! Instead they get the “ungodly” to sort out the matters.


Paul then shows how shallow their understanding is. At the end of time the Lord’s people will judge the world! (Another blow for the “do not judge” crowd.) Of course we are not there yet, but surely they could have a go at judging trivial cases?  In fact, we will even judge angels.There are significant things about eschatology here. We often have a very limited view of what salvation is all about. So often our understanding is limited to our “going to heaven when we die”. There is much, much more than that to eternal life.

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