
Saturday 8 June 2024

1 Corinthians 3:1,2 - You are still not ready


ESV has “as spiritual people” and “as people of the flesh”.  Without the “as infants in Christ” at the end of the sentence these words are really shocking, for Paul is almost saying that they aren’t Christians. However, his opening words in the letter make it clear that he believes they are Christians, but he is absolutely appalled at how immature they are. They seemed to be proud of themselves, but their lives and attitudes were distinctly unchristlike. 


“I gave you milk, not solid food”. Hebrews 6:1 ff talks about moving on to maturity. The solid food talked of here could be the content of the teaching, but it is perhaps more likely about the manner in which Paul addressed them. He should not have been having to tell them about focusing on Christ, not men (Paul, Apollos, Peter). But their character had not developed sufficiently for him to do that. We should all look at our attitudes and stamp out any immature childish attitudes that we have.

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