
Sunday 16 June 2024

1 Corinthians 3:19-23 - You are of Christ, and Christ is of God


“For the wisdom of the world is foolishness in God’s sight.”  The world’s so-called wisdom doesn’t actually work, it leads only to nonsense, and usually pain and suffering. The quote comes from Job 5:13. Paul follows this up with a quote from Ps 94:11 on the futility of man’s thinking. Man considers himself to be so wise and so in control of events, when in fact he is nothing of the sort.


Given that man’s thinking is futile, and that God is going to show up the futility of man’s thinking, to seek to emulate the world’s wisdom is the height of foolishness. So the Corinthians should stop boasting about particular leaders. Doing such a thing achieves nothing good. Moreover, in reality all things are ours. All godly leaders are ours, we are not to set one up against another one, instead we are to learn from them all. Everything is ours in Christ, if we go down the worldly route all we do is impoverish ourselves. We are of Christ, that is our identity. It is foolishness and childishness to find our identity in a particular leader.

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