
Monday 10 June 2024

1 Samuel 9:17-23 - This is the man


On seeing Saul, the Lord spoke to Samuel confirming that he is the man. It is interesting that God speaks directly to Samuel, and does so on a number of occasions. While Samuel knew who Saul was, Saul had no idea who Samuel was, asking Samuel where “seer’s house” was. Samuel reveals who he is, and tells Saul to go to the high place. Samuel takes charge of the situation. He also says he will tell Saul “all that is in your heart”.


Samuel also reveals something about Saul here. First he tells him that the donkeys are all safe. Then he, and his family line, says that he is the one “to whom all the desire of Israel is turned”. Perhaps this gives the biggest clue as to why on earth God chose Saul. God is giving Israel the desire of its heart. They wanted a king “like the nations”, so they got one who was chosen on their premises. And they would continue to look for leaders and for salvation in a worldly way.


Saul objects, saying he was a Benjaminite. This tribe was indeed the smallest of all the tribes, largely because of the events recorded at the end of Judges. Furthermore, his clan was the least of all the clans in Benjamin. Saul cannot understand why Samuel is saying such things to him. Samuel had arranged a large dinner party, with thirty other invited guests. He seats Saul at the head of the table. He instructs the cook to bring the meat. Everything has been put in place beforehand. This reminds me of the last supper, when it was clear that arrangements had already been put in place.

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