
Sunday 2 June 2024

1 Corinthians 2:5,6 - A message of wisdom among the mature


“So that your faith might not rest on human wisdom, but on God’s power”. If we do try to win people over with our eloquence or wisdom, then their faith will be based on our eloquence. And at some point someone more eloquent than us will come along, and the “believers” faith will be based on a foundation of sand, rather than on the work of the Holy Spirit. In order for someone to see the kingdom of God they need to be born of the Spirit.


Paul has been disparaging wisdom, but this is not actually true. What he has been disparaging is purely human wisdom. The gospel is actually a message of wisdom, but it is not the wisdom of this age, of a godless society. Back in Eden Satan deceived Adam and Eve into thinking that they would have more if they ate of the tree of life. The truth is that without God we are actually less, we become foolish. Transideology is a current example of this, but it is a much wider truth. Paul also refers to the “rulers of this age”. This could refer to demonic powers, but it is perhaps more likely that it refers to human rulers. The Corinthians were enamoured with the rich and powerful, the celebrities. These people had their own “wisdom”, but Paul reminds them that they are coming to nothing.

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