
Monday 17 June 2024

1 Samuel 10:17-19 - This is what the Lord says


Samuel already knows that Saul is God’s chosen king and has anointed him. However, we now have what could in some ways be a “second” choosing of the king. Of course , the result is the same. A key part in this process is the casting of lots, which is, in human terms, a random process. However, Prov 16:33 says “the lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the Lord”. SO why are we going through this second process? One reason is for the people of Israel to understand what is happening, and a second is for them to be part of it. Is this second process a charade? No. There are things that the people need to learn.


Samuel starts by reminding the people why they are getting a king, and the error that they have made. He reminds them God brought them up out of slavery in Egypt, He is the One who delivered them from various nations that oppressed them. God is their saviour, yet they have rejected God. However, note that God is involved in the process of giving them a king. Just because God is involved in something, does not mean that it is good.

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