
Sunday 23 June 2024

1 Corinthians 4:17-21 - What do you prefer?


“For this reason ...” Because of Paul's deep and personal concern for the Corinthians he sent Timothy to visit the church. Given what Paul has just said, it is significant that he refers to Timothy as “my son whom I love”. Timothy is not a mere emissary, but someone who is very close to Paul. Timothy is completely in tune with Paul’s approach to life and the gospel. He would faithfully represent the proper teaching of the gospel.


Paul then takes an even more serious turn. There were some who had become arrogant. They considered Paul to be someone who was far away and would never visit them again. Paul assures them that, God willing, he would visit them soon. Then the truth would be known. For the gospel and the kingdom is not about talk, but about power. It is about a real change in life. This is actually about the only time that Paul uses the term “kingdom”, however, all of his teaching is relevant to “the kingdom”. Paul presents the Corinthians with a challenge, should he come with a rod of iron, or with a gentle spirit. He would much prefer it was the latter. If they persisted to act in an arrogant manner, then he would come with a rod of iron, for their condition would be serious that drastic action was needed. But if they were humble and repentant, ready and willing to learn from God, then he could come in a gentle spirit. The same is true of our relationship with God. If we are hard hearted then God has to be stern with us. But if we are humble in spirit, He can gently correct us when we need it.

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