
Tuesday 4 June 2024

1 Corinthians 2:8-10 - No eye has seen


John 1:5 says that the light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome or understood it. Paul here says essentially the same thing, focusing on the “not understood it” translation of John 1:5. The “rulers of this age” do not understand the glory or wisdom of the cross. The Jewish religious leaders thought they were getting rid of a problem when they succeeded in getting the Roman authorities to crucify Jesus. The Roman authorities thought they were solving a political problem. Ultimately the Roman empire fell to the cross. The devil thought he was killing the Son of God. None of them could have been more wrong. They were all signing their own defeat.


True wisdom depends upon revelation from God through the Spirit. We are utterly dependent upon God for everything. The quote probably comes from Is 64:4, though this isn’t a precise match. It refers to those who “wait for Him”, while Paul says “those who love Him”. Waiting on God and loving God are actually closely related. The key point is “who do we look to”. The Corinthians needed to ask themselves who were they looking to for glory. Human wisdom cannot tell us what God has prepared for us, it is only the Spirit who can reveal these things to us.

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