
Tuesday 18 June 2024

1 Corinthians 4:3,4 - My conscience is clear


In saying “I follow Paul ....” the Corinthians were setting themselves up as judges. They were deciding who the best apostle was. We can do the same, but we should be very careful. If we are preachers we should watch ourselves. If we seek man’s approval then we become man pleasers rather than God pleasers. Now this does not mean that we do not listen to correction, but we do so in order to be better servants of Christ, not so that we go up in the “preacher rankings”. “I do not even judge myself”. Again, this does not mean that we do not look at ourselves to see how we can improve, but we do not do so in the sense of comparing ourselves against others, seeking to be “number one”.


Paul believed that he had faithfully preached the gospel, and taught the truth. His conscience was clear. But that did not make him innocent. It is the Lord who is the final judge, He is the One who truly knows whether or not we have carried out our task faithfully or not.

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