
Wednesday 19 June 2024

1 Corinthians 4:5,6 - Judge nothing before the appointed time


“Therefore judge nothing before the appointed time”. It is only when Christ returns that we will know the true worth and effectiveness of anyone’s ministry. Christ will also “expose the motives of the heart”. This is a frightening thing! I doubt there are any of us who always have perfect motives. So what should we do? We serve in humility, constantly laying ourselves open before God, allowing Him to correct us where necessary. “At that time each will receive their praise from God”. Ultimately it is only the praise of God, not the praise of man, that is of any value. This does not mean we should not honour one another, indeed we are commanded to respect and honour our leaders who serve the Lord, but we desperately need a right perspective.


Although Paul has explained things in terms of Apollos and himself, he has done so as an exemplar, so that the Corinthians can see the general principles. Paul wants to ensure that they “do not go beyond what is written”. No one is absolutely sure what precisely Paul is referring to. Perhaps the most likely meaning is that it is referring to the OT Scriptures. They are to look at things in the light of what God has revealed through the Bible, they are not to add human measurements of glory on top of this. For when someone says they follow Paul or Apollos, they become proud, puffed up. How so? Because they are pleased with themselves for having made the “right choice”.

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