
Monday 3 June 2024

1 Corinthians 2:7 - We declare God's wisdom


The gospel declares God’s wisdom. It is our task and our privilege to declare God’s wisdom. The church demonstrates utter foolishness when it chooses to declare worldly wisdom, rather than God’s wisdom. “A mystery ...” In Paul’s usage, “mystery” is something that was once hidden but has now been revealed. The mystery is how can a holy God bless a sinful people? That God intended to do this is made clear in the Old Testament, but the how was not clear. The answer has now been made clear, and it is through Christ and the cross. God destined this for our glory. Schreiner says that this denotes “the splendour and beauty believers will receive on the final day”. This is no doubt true, but I believe it also refers to our significance in this age. If we go along with the world’s wisdom then for a time we may appear to have some significance now, but this will quickly be shown to be illusory, and will come to nothing. If instead we follow Christ’s way, our lives will be shown to have been far more significant and effective.

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