
Tuesday 18 June 2024

1 Samuel 10:20-27 - Long live the king!


So the process of choosing the king by lot is now embarked upon. First the tribe of Benjamin was chosen, then the clan of Marti was chosen, finally Saul was chosen. We should note again that the process of casting lots is being used. There are some who argue that God would not use random processes, or as Einstein said “God does not play dice”. These sort of arguments  are both unbiblical and naive, they display a distinct lack of understanding. Part of the Biblical argument that God may well use a “random process” is what is going on in this chapter. But mathematically algorithms involving random processes can be used to reach specific outcomes. 

However, while Saul was chosen, he was nowhere to be found. In response to this they inquired of the Lord, and He tells them that Saul is hiding among the baggage! Why did Saul do this? Was he afraid of taking on the responsibility? There has certainly been evidence of a number of character flaws in Saul.


So the people ran to find Saul and dragged him out. When they got him and he stopped hiding and stood up he was a head taller than everyone else. Samuel reaffirms that Saul is the one chosen by the Lord, and the people acclaim him as king saying “long live the King!”.


Samuel then explained to the people (including Saul) the rights and duties of the king. This was probably based largely on Deut 17:14-20. These requirements were then written down on a scroll. So both the king and the people knew how a king was supposed to act. The people then all went home. Saul also went home to Gibeah, joined by “valiant men whose hearts God had touched”. There were also “scoundrels” who despised the king. Saul, however, “kept silent”.

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