
Monday 24 April 2023

Philippians 1:9,10 - That your love may abound


1:9 may be a continuation of the prayer from 1:4. He prays that their love may abound more and more. Paul has great expectations for the church. Love in the New Testament is not a sentimental thing, though it will include genuine affection. But it is much deeper than that. Here Paul prays for the love to be with “knowledge and all discernment”. Love is founded in knowledge and based on true understanding.


“So that you may approve what is excellent”. The love of God makes us truly wise. At the time of writing this (27 Jan 2023) there has been news of the Archbishop of York saying sexual immorality is not sin. No one with any genuine love for God could say such a thing, and he is clearly incapable of knowing what is excellent, as are most of the Church of England bishops. This is a very sad state of affairs. And the goal is that we are “pure and blameless for the day of Christ”. Note how high God’s goals for us are. Note also how Christ is seen as the goal. Christ died and rose again for us so that he would have many brothers and sisters.

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