
Saturday 15 April 2023

Deuteronomy 4:5,6 - So that you may follow them in the land


Frequently in Exodus to Numbers we read that God said something to Moses and then told him to relay the information to the people of Israel. Moses had faithfully taught the Israelites what the Lord’s commands were. The purpose of this was so that they could follow them in the land they were entering. God decides how we should live, and in order to live in His kingdom we need to live according to His ways. All too often the church thinks it can choose to alter some of God’s commands.


Sadly much of the church seems to think it can show its wisdom and understanding to the world by following the world’s ways. This is utter foolishness. It is by following the Lord’s commands that we will demonstrate our wisdom and understanding to the world. The world’s ways are hopelessly flawed, and worse. They lead to destruction. We are to be different, following the Lord’s ways, and then the world will see.

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