
Saturday 1 April 2023

Deuteronomy 1:26-28 - You were unwilling to go up


If the spies had stopped at the point they reached in 1:25 all would have been fine, but that wasn’t where they stopped. Instead they rebelled against the Lord, against His command. They saw the fruit, they saw the opposition and let fear rule. What they should have done was trust in the Lord. He had said He was giving them the land, saw no number of enemies could stop them, could stop God giving it to them. Whenever God leads us into a better future there will be obstacles, there will be things that, without God, we could not overcome, or at least might not be able to. But we are to base our lives upon God and His word.


They grumbled in their tents. They imagined all the things that could go wrong, all the ways in which they might suffer. Oftentimes we can do the same. They said that the Lord had brought them out of Egypt only to let them be destroyed. The words of the spies had encouraged this sort of thinking, and it is a sort of thinking that most of us are prone to.

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