
Monday 17 April 2023

Deuteronomy 4:9,10 - Be careful and watch yourselves


Moses now warns them to remember the things they have seen, and to teach them to their children. It is easy to forget what the Lord has done, or to let the immediate drown out the things the Lord has done for us. We need to actively remember and remind ourselves, and to teach our children. Learning from what the Lord has done in our lives is a vital part of following Christ.


The Lord had given the law to Moses and had addressed the whole nation at Horeb. They needed to learn to fear the Lord. The fear of the Lord is a recurrent concept throughout the Bible, Old and New Testament. We tend to downplay the fear of the Lord today, this is a big mistake. We often talk about not dreading the Lord, but having reverence for Him. There is truth in this, but it is not the whole story. There are many things that will arise in our lives that will seek to put fear in our hearts, and our natural tendency is to seek to please or appease the thing we fear. We need to know that the Lord is the one who has ultimate say in our lives, and disobeying Him is a far riskier exercise than anything else we might do. Sometimes fear means fear.

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