
Thursday 13 April 2023

Deuteronomy 3:26-29 - The Lord was angry with me


The Lord was angry with Moses and told him not to raise the matter again. It i quite remarkable that the Lord has this sort of conversation with Moses, and that it is recorded in the Bible! Now why was God angry with Moses? There is, of course, the original sin, Moses’s failure to honour the Lord as holy before the people. Maybe it is also because what we see under the old covenant is merely a shadow of the real thing, and Moses was being too fixated in the Promised Land, when something far greater lay ahead?


However, God does seem to make some concessions to Moses. He takes him to the top of Pisgah where he can look out over the Promised Land. However, he is told again that he is not the one to take them into the land. Moses is to commission Joshua to take the people into the land, and he is to encourage him. Moses has learnt much from God and about God, he is to pass this experience on to Joshua,

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